17 |
24 추계 심포지엄-Routine and Advanced Postoperative Care in Endocrine Surgery by Surgical Hospitalist_류재상(연세의대)
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2024-10-07 |
16 |
24 추계 심포지엄-Routine and Advanced Postoperative Care in Breast Surgery by Surgical Hospitalist_조민경(성균관의대)
4 |
2024-10-07 |
15 |
24 추계 심포지엄-Reality of Postoperative Care in Hepatobiliary Surgery_박민영(연세의대)
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2024-10-07 |
14 |
24 추계 심포지엄-Reality of Postoperative Care in Colorectal Surgery_김연정(가톨릭의대)
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2024-10-07 |
13 |
24 추계 심포지엄-Perioperative Nutritional Support for Old Age Patients_이철승(한솔병원)
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2024-10-07 |
12 |
24 추계 심포지엄-How to Treat Urinary Dysfunction Appropriately After Surgery in Elderly Patient?_임범진(울산의대)
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2024-10-07 |
11 |
24 추계 심포지엄-Guideline from ACS NSQIP/American Geriatric Society_박귀숙(울산의대)
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2024-10-07 |
10 |
24 춘계 심포지엄 - Session 3
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2024-04-29 |
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24 춘계 심포지엄 - Session 2
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2024-04-29 |
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24 춘계 심포지엄 - Session 1
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2024-04-29 |