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[2022, HIRA-Research] 건강보험 청구자료를 활용한 국내 입원전담전문의 제도의 현황 분석 및 개선방안
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[2022, APM] Effect of outpatient physician involvement on the physician orders for life-sustaining treatment completed by hospitalists: a cross- sectional study
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[2022, 대한내과학회지] The Value of Hospital Medicine
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[2021, 대한내과학회지] The Vision of Hospitalist System in Korea
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[2021, HIRA-research] Design and Implementation of Hospitalist Supporting System Integrated with Hospital Information System
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[2021, Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology] Impact of gynecologic hospitalist on patient waiting time at the emergency department in Korea: A retrospective pre-post cohort study
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[2021, Qual Improv Health Care] Strategy for a Successful Introduction of Surgical Hospitalist System in Korea
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[2021, KJIM] Clinical Frailty Scale, K-FRAIL questionnaire, and clinical outcomes in an acute hospitalist unit in Korea
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[2021, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health] Improved Inpatient Care through Greater Patient–Doctor Contact under the Hospitalist Management Approach: A Real-Time Assessment
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